Application for control Unicon board via WiFi to control LED. Use with WiFly Module from Sparkfun to communication by TCP connection. Make your android device to WiFi Hotspot and programmed POP-BOT XT to connected to that hotspot. You can applied circuit to real light bulb or outlet in your home.If you want to control with the PC, use this.** WLAN only, not include internet connection.ZX-LED : Board : WiFly Module : WiFly Module to UART1 on pin 0 (RXD) and pin 1 (TXD)connect pin 4 (A6) and 19 (A1) with 1st ZX-LEDconnect pin 12 (A11) and 21 (A3) with 2nd ZX-LEDconnect pin 30 (A2) and 20 (A2) with 3rd ZX-LEDconnect pin 6 (A7) and 22 (A4) with 4th ZX-LEDSource code for this project(Include C# for PC, Eclipse for Android, Arduino for Unicon Board and .exe for PC) library for arduino to used with this application more detail from on issue 38